Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Busting Out! Black Friday & Beyond!

You can do this!  Now listen up!

In less than 48 hours, some people (maybe not you) will brave the retails stores and scores of people in order to find the items they think are good deals.  If you have ever attended a Black Friday sale and purchased items, you know that it can be exhilarating at first and exhausting at the end of the check out line.  It was worth it .... you got some great deals.  So, everyone is getting a red or purple bedside lamp this year because this markdown was irresistable.

Technology was supposed to make our lives easier.  Often, I laugh about how complicated it seems to make things.  However, this is not the case with shopping.  Almost every retailer is offering Free Shipping this season and good prices too!  Plus, let me show you a trick for saving yourself money and getting people gifts they will really use and enjoy.

All major retailers offer the same and often more merchandise online than in the store.  This includes Walmart, Target, Toys r Us, Marshal's and many more.  That is one place to start if you really know what you are looking for.  Why do people go to these big stores?  They believe that is where they will get a good price and vast selection and while that is true most of the time, selection can really be larger online.

If you are like me, you have at least a couple of people on your list that you are stumped to know what to get.  Here is an easy way:  Think of what they like and enjoy.  What subjects, objects or colors are they attracted to?  Who are the famous personalities they really like?

Example:  Your nephew loves Michael Jackson.  He has every bit of music the King of Pop has every produced.  He has some posters.  Dead End?  No, it is not.  Get on Ebay or another site and search Michael Jackson.  Now, narrow it down to some categories.  How about a Bad Buckle Jacket for your nephew?  Oh, it's on sale and it has free shipping and you can buy it now.  You don't even have to go through the bidding process.  Your nephew will love it that you thought to get him something so personal that is made in the likeness of Michael Jackson.

Example:  Your Father is hard to buy for.  It seems like he already has everything.  He is fond of World War II history.  Same idea -- from books, photographs and strange artifacts, it can be found on Ebay or another site.  Your Father will appreciate the fact that you chose a gift that has meaning to him.

Now, I don't want you to get the idea I am just pushing Ebay.  I do sell on the site, but I sell on others also including my own website.  However, I sometimes think people believe sites like Ebay, Bonanza and Etsy only sell used items and this is not true.  Almost everything I sell is brand new.   Occasionally, I have something used to sell.  I should also mention that I also BUY on those sites.  I enjoy supporting other people like me who are the "little guys and gals of the world". 

Ebay has rolled out an extensive Buyer Protection Program which is very buyer friendly.  Bonanza also follows many of these same procedures.  I check out sellers before I purchase from them.  I want to see their feedback and there are many purchases or bids I did not make based on a seller's feedback.  I also cut them a little slack realizing that one in every 75 or 100 customers is going to be a little loco and nothing you do will make them happy.

Imagine a store you can enter where you can find anything in the world:  That's Ebay

Imagine a store where you can find almost everything handmade and eco-friendly:  That's Etsy

Imagine a store where you can find the unusual coupled with the usual:  That's Bonanza

Give it a try this season if you have not before!  You will be surprised how easy and fun it can be.  Oh, I almost forgot to tell you one of my favorite parts.  As you order gifts online and they are delivered to your doorstep, it's almost like they are for you because you get to open them first!

Happy Shopping and Merry Christmas to you!

Indigo Blue Dragonfly

Need some retail therapy?  Visit me anytime!